What is Cholesterol And How To Control High Cholesterol Level

  • What is Cholesterol And Reasons of Cholesterol

Cholesterol are many types and some types of it make our body strong and give us benefits but some types of Cholesterol are harmful for our body and make the reason of weakness. That’s why don’t worry if your cholesterol level high so first check your blood and after that if your beneficial cholesterol level high so that is a good news for you and if unfortunately your those cholesterol level high who is harmful for your body so you need to do some for control your high cholesterol level.

Some people thought they are smart and if they eat thick things so her cholesterol level do not go high because they are smart and that’s why those people eat thick things so much. But that is not right because if you are smart and eat thick foods more so perhaps your cholesterol level go high and make problem for you. Therefore do not eat thick or fast food more, many other things become the reason of high cholesterol but if you feel your cholesterol level high so I suggest you test your blood. That is not matter you are smart or fat. If you are fat and do not eat fast or thick food so I think you cannot face high cholesterol level problem. Hope you understand what is cholesterol and why cholesterol level go up in your body.

  • How To Control High Cholesterol Level

If your cholesterol level high so first I suggest you do not eat fast food and thick things because they become the reason of high cholesterol and after that suggest with your doctor or cholesterol specialist and after that if your cholesterol level do not more high so don’t eat medicines because sometimes you do not need to eat medicines and if you leave fast foods and thick things so your cholesterol level automatically normal after some time.

If after leave thick things and fast food your cholesterol level doesn’t control so eat natural vegetables and fruits and go for exercise. If possible so go for exercise two times in a day and if you have not time so go for exercise one time compulsory. If you do this one to three months so hope your high cholesterol level go in normal condition automatically. If after that your cholesterol level becomes normal so I suggest you go for exercise regularly and do not eat fast food and thick things more.

If after exercise and eat natural fruits and vegetables your cholesterol level remain high so after that eat medicines and do not eat heavy medicines because if you eat heavy medicines so perhaps you face some other problems in your body. Therefore discuss with your family or personal doctor and after all tests eat medicines and when you start eating medicines so I hope after three to six months your high cholesterol level go back in normal level. I hope you like this article and understand how you can control high cholesterol level and do not forget to share this article with your friends and family members and specially with these who eat fast food and thick things.