How To Use Twitter on Computer or Laptop

If you do not know how you can use Twitter on computer or laptop, so please read this article. In this article i tell you some information about Twitter and tell you some information how you can use this social media network.


Twitter is a best social media network and millions of people use this social media network. If you want to use this social media network, so you can use this free. For use twitter first you need to signup / make account. For signup / make account you need mobile number or email address. Which method you want, you can use this method for signup / make account on Twitter. For make account on Twitter first go to Twitter official website and then click on sign up. When you click on sign up. You see a form, here you need to give some information about you. For example Name, Email Address / Mobile Number and some other. When you give these information, so after that if you use mobile number. So you receive a message from Twitter and if you use Email Address, so you receive an email from Twitter. If you use mobile number so you need to write this confirmation in Twitter and after that your Twitter account verify and if you Email Address, so you need to click on this link which Twitter send in your Email Address and after that your Twitter account verify. When your Twitter account verify, so after that you can login in your Twitter account. For login in Twitter account again go to Twitter official website and now click on login and then if you use mobile number for signup so write mobile number and if you use email address for signup so write email address and after that in second box write password and then click on login.

  • How To Use Twitter

When you login in your twitter account so you see many options. Left side you see a sidebar and in this sidebar you see some options, like Home, Notifications, Messages and Profile etc. you can use these options. For edit and for add information in your Twitter account first click on Profile. When you click on profile, then you see an edit profile button, click on this button. When you click on this button, so see a box and in this box you can add information. For example Name, Bio, Location, Website and Birth Day and also here you can add your Twitter account Profile and cover photo. For more setting, click on more and then click on settings and privacy. When you click on settings and privacy, you see many options. Here you can change you Twitter account username, mobile number, email address, password and many other things.

Hope you understand, how you can use Twitter and if you want to learn more about Twitter so you can search on internet and learn more information about Twitter and if you have any question about this article, so you can write comment below article and do not forget to share this article with your friends and family members and do not forget to bookmark our website.