If you want know about Google Drive and want to know how you can upload data in Google Drive, so please read this article. In this article i tell I tell some information about Google Drive and tell you how you can upload files in Google Drive.
- What is Google Drive.?
Google Drive is a Storage Platform, if you want to storage your data on internet so you can storage this data in Google Drive. Google Drive is Google product that’s why this is very secure and trusted. This means you can store your data in Google Drive without any tension. Because Google is best and top company and almost all Google products is high secure and trusted. That’s why you can use Google Drive for store your data without any tension. Google give you fifteen GB free in Google Drive. If you want to store more data, i mean more than fifteen GB, so you can buy more space and then you can buy more than fifteen GB data in your Google Drive. If you want to Buy Google Drive storage, so you can buy 100 GB, 200GB, 2 TB, 10 TB, 20 TB, 30TB, plans. Which plan you like you can buy this plan and when you buy this plan you can store more data. I mean if you buy 100 GB plan you can upload data 100 GB in your Google Drive and if you but 1 TB plan, so you can upload 1 TB data in your Google Drive.
- How To Use And Upload Data in Google Drive
If you want to upload data in Google Drive, so you need to make a Gmail account. If you already have a Gmail account, so then you do not need to make another Gmail account, you can use this Gmail account which you have already. First you need to login via your Gmail account, when you login then search Google Drive on Google search and type enter or type Google search. When you type enter or type Google Search, you see many results. You need to go Google Drive official platform, when you click on official platform. Here you see many options. Here you can click on go to Google Drive in personal section. When you click on go to Google Drive, your Google Drive storage area open. Here you see some options of Google Drive, if you want to read or see these so you can read and see these and if you want to cut so you can cut these options. This is your choice. When you read, see or cut these options. You see left side a new button / option. Click on this. You can upload video, images and many other types data on Google Drive. When you click on new button / option. You see some more options, Folder, File Upload, Folder Upload and some others. If you want to upload data on Google Drive so you need to click on File Upload button / option. When you click on this, your computer, laptop or mobile area open. Now select these files or data which you want to upload on Google Drive. When you select these data which you want to upload on Google Drive, after that this data upload start and upload complete process depend on your internet speed and data size. I mean if your internet speed high and your data size low so data upload soon and if you internet speed low and your data size more, so your data upload late.
When you upload your data in Google Drive, so you can select your data privacy, i mean if you want to keep your data public so you can keep your data public and if you want to keep your data private so you can keep your data private. This is depending on you.
Hope you understand what is Google Drive and how you can upload your data on Google Drive, if you want to learn more about Google Drive, so you can search on Internet and learn more information about Google Drive and if you like this article so please share this article with your friends and family members and specially share with these family members and friends who want to upload data on internet. If you have any question about this article so you can write comment below article.