If you want to earn money via your website or blog, so you can earn money via Google AdSense, Media.Net or Infolinks. But if Google AdSense, Media.Net or infolinks do not give you approval or if you have not any website or blog and you want to earn money, so read this article. In this article I tell you a method. With help of this method you can earn money via your blog or website or without website.
Shorten Links
Which method I tell you. This method is, make money via Shorten Links. Some website give you an option where you need to submit your website or blog post URL and these sites give you a Shorten Link. You need to share this Shorten Link on social media networks or on your website or blog. When your friends or users click on this link so first open this Shorten Link website link and after some time open your website or blog post. In this way you can earn money from these Shorten Links websites.
Now if you have not any website or blog. So you make free blog on blogger and post some posts on blogger and Short these blogger posts links and share these Shorten Links on social media networks and when anyone click on these links from social media, so first open these Shorten Links provider link and after that open your blogger post. So in this way you can earn money without blog or website.
If you want to find these Shorten Links websites, so you can search on internet and find best Shorten Links website. I suggest you first deeply search on internet and find best Shorten Links website. Because many shorten Links websites rates are very low. But you need to find those Shorten Links websites who give you good rate.
If you ask from me, so i suggest you adfly and shorte.st. If you want so you can use these two Shorten Links websites and I do not tell you only use these two Shorten Links websites. If you find any best Shorten Links website so you use this website. I work on adfly some years ago, but I do not work on adfly long time. But adfly is a trusted website and if you earn money from adfly, so adfly give you this money. But if you find any other Shorten Links website, which is trusted and give you best rate from adfly, so i suggest you use this who give you best rates.
Hope you can understand how you can earn money via Shorten Links websites. if you have any question, so you can write this question in comment below article and if you want to know more about Shorten Links websites, so you can search on internet and find more information about Shorten Links websites. if you like this article, so please share this article with your friends and family members and specially share with these friends and family members who want to earn money online.